The Academy Award-winning actor, Tom Hanks has recently come up with a shocking revelation. According to the acclaimed actor, Hanks and his beloved wife, namely Rita Wilson have reportedly tested positive for coronavirus in the ongoing outbreak.
Where are Hanks and Wilson residing now?
Both Wilson and Hanks are 63-year-old and they are currently seeking medical help and treatment soon after they began to experience symptoms of the common cold in Australia. Currently, the actors and his wife are residing in Queensland. According to sources, the couple is going to spend time in isolation.
The couple from the US were on Gold Coast as Hanks was working on his next massive project based on the life of the King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley. It was only yesterday, that the WHO aka World Health Organizations declared that the outbreak is pandemic.
Hanks soon took it to social media platforms and wrote that they feel a little tired and it seems like they had the flu. They are also experiencing body aches. On the other hand, Rita is experiencing some chills which are coming and going irregularly. Further, he added that the world needed to know that he and his wife have caught Coronavirus. Moreover, tests are suggesting that the couple is found to be positive.
Tom Hanks’ contribution to cinema
The Oscar-award winning actor has been swaying the world with his acting prowess with movies such as Saving Private Ryan and Forrest Gump. Hanks also said that he will keep updating about the progress.
Warner Bros, Studio, on the other hand, said that the safety of their crew members is the top priority. Moreover, they are taking the necessary precautions to protect everyone on the set. Currently, the film is postponed until further notice.