Hansika Motwani, one of the most good looking actresses of the South Indian films, will feature in the upcoming flick, Maha. According to sources, Motwani will also collaborate with the director of Jackpot, Kalyan for another film. As of now, the forthcoming film is put under the category of an untitled project. However, this will be the second time that Hansika and Kalyan will work again.
The actress and director duo already worked in an acclaimed film, namely Gulebagavali. The sources are suggesting that the upcoming project by Kalyan will be a cop thriller film. Moreover, the shooting of the film will commence in September. The forthcoming movie also stars Yogi Babu, Mansoor Ali Khan, Rajendran, Thangadurai, and Tony.
The premise of the upcoming project by Kalyan
Kalyan also provided insight into the film and its plot during an interview with the media outlet, The Indian Express. The plot of the film is said to revolve around a cop; nevertheless, the movie will feature certain gothic and horror elements. In addition to this, the movie will have a comical narration, which is an integral part of Kalyan’s filmmaking.
Kalyan also disclosed that the movie would also feature a male character who will unveil the story. But, the actor will have a small cameo role in the film. The director also said that they would reveal the actor as soon as the deal is made.
Hansika portrays a substantial role in most of her movies
The actress, Hansika, is said to play influential roles in most of the South Indian flicks. It seems the audience is looking forward to the yet-to-be-disclosed movie by Kalyan. In the meantime, the audience can see Hansika in Maha, one of the most-anticipated films of the year.
Maha will be Hansika’s 100th film, and this has set a new benchmark in her tumultuous career. Jackpot is garnering much attention from viewers and it is making tons of money in the box-office.