Himachal Pradesh government has declared the lockdown to control the COVID-19 situation. There are a few essential services & works which can’t be put on hold, so to allow them, HP ePass was introduced. With ePass, you can move freely without any restriction. Check out how to apply for HP ePass and also how to check the application status online.
HP ePass – Lockdown Pass
Even though the government has strictly restricted the people to move outside, they can move if they have HP ePass with them. To get an HP ePass, you need to apply for it online and wait for approval from authorities. We have detailed the HP ePass application procedure in the below section. Make sure you apply to HP ePass only in case of emergencies.
HP ePass – Apply Online
With HP ePass, you can move around the state or go outside the state (if necessary). People coming to Himachal Pradesh for any important work can also use this ePass. Let’s check the application process:
- Go to the official portal or click here.
- After clicking on that link, you will be redirected to the application page.
- There, it would help if you choose your request type from available options.
- And then, enter the traveling details, i.e., your present address and destination address.
- Right after that, you need to provide your personal details such as your name, mobile number, etc.
- Choose the ID proof from the given options. (You can provide PAN, Aadhar Card, Voter ID Card, Driving License, Passport, or any other Government ID Proof)
- After that, enter the ID number in the required space.
- Next, mention your purpose appropriately.
- Then upload the Address Proofs & ID Proof that you have filled earlier.
- Finally, enter your vehicle details & other required details. (You can choose the ‘without vehicle’ option if you don’t have your own vehicle or if you are traveling without the vehicle)
- Enter the captcha code and declare that you are ‘Not Covid Positive’ & you have Arogya Sethu App on your phone.
- To apply, click ‘Register.’
- Save the registration number for future use.
- Wait for approval from authorities. Once approved, you will be getting an SMS, and a link will be provided from which you can download the ePass.
Check the Application Status Online
To check your application status, follow these steps:
- Go to Status Check Portal.
- Enter the registration number in the required space.
- Enter your mobile number.
- And, click ‘Search.’
- Your application status will be displayed on the screen.
We hope this information was helpful to you. For more updates, Stay Tuned!