Dota: Dragon’s blood is a Korean-American animated fantasy streaming television series based on a MOBA (Multi-Player Online Battle Arena) video game developed by Valve Corporation in 2013. This is a combination of Anime with Western Animation. The series premiered on Netflix on March 25, 2021, and is an instant hit.
The game-based Television series has been binge-watched by fans worldwide and is being on the top 10 list of the 47 different regions on Netflix. The collaboration of South Korean Studio Mir and American Company Kaju Boulevard made it a spectacular animated series. The common question that we are all facing is whether the series is going to be renewed for the second season.
Dota: Dragon’s Blood Season 2 Release Date
The Streaming service has not yet announced any details about the renewal plans for the series, but with the worldwide reception, it’s safe to assume that the next season is not far from the viewers.
Netflix is yet to reveal its plans for the series, but there are many chances that it will favor the audience. Though there is no announcement of the release date, if the show gets renewed in the coming few weeks, we can expect season 2 to be streaming sometime in 2022
Dota: Dragon’s Blood Season 2 Plot: What Can We Expect?
The series is created by Ashley Miller, who is most well known for his work on the superhero movies ‘Thor’ and ‘X-Men: First Class.’ This should set our expectations high for the coming season if not the eclecticism of the first season.
Several loose ends might get addressed in the next season, such as Invoker’s revenge, the fate of Davion and the future of the Elves, and a few more.
So, for now, we could cherish the beauty of the first season while waiting for the second one at the edge of our seats, or you can subscribe to this page, and we will update you about the same at the earliest.