Debris is an American science fiction television series on NBC (National Broadcasting Channel). This is the new addition to the never-ending Science fiction genre. The 10 episode show premiered on March 1 and is streaming every week, with every episode being aired every Monday. It’s planned to have the season finale on May 3.
The show’s unique premise helped the series acclaim a decent reputation with its first season still running. If you’re wondering whether the series is renewed or canceled, we are here with all the information we got.
Debris: Season 2 Release Date:
Though the fans are waiting for confirmation over the show’s renewal status, there isn’t any official update about the recommission. Neither NBC nor the creator cum writer J.H.Wyman gave us fans any clues about extending the series into another season.
Though two more episodes are yet to be streamed online, it isn’t new for NBC to renew the TV shows before airing the season finales. For instance, The Is Us, the notable family drama, was immediately renewed for a second and third season even before the season one finale airing. So, keep your hopes up and wait alongside us.
Debris: Season 2 Cast
There is no clue about the plot or the cast that could appear in the next season if there is going to be one. But does the show stick to its premise? Jonathan Tucker portraying Bryan Beneventi, a CIA agent, and Finola Jone, an MI6 agent performed by Riann Steele, could return next season.
Debris: Season 2 Renewal Chances:
Considering the history of NBC(Who doesn’t gel well with Sci-fi), the odds are against the show getting renewed. Comedy and Crime being the prime offerings from the Network, Debris might get canceled. The drop in the viewership could also account for the slim chances of the series seeing any future.
The show’s unique premise should be the sole yet strong reason for the season to get a go-ahead. Knowing where it leads follows us, and we make sure you know everything that needs to be known.