The Indian Drama series Bombay Begums is all set to launch its second season. Alankrita Srivastava created the web series, Bombay Begums. The story of the series Bombay Begums moves around the Five women who belong to different classes. The series is based on the narrative of the women-centric society ruled and run by men.
The women’s leads try to mold themselves into a society full of sexists by killing the wishes and aspirations. Keeping all the problems aside, the women have settled themselves in Bombay’s harsh world (Mumbai), which is known as the Financial capital of India.
Bombay Begums is a heart-touching series of five women trying to face the harsh society by fighting with all the social barriers of culture. Season 1 created a boom in the viewers, and that why the wait of the Bombay Begums Season 2 among its fans and following has increased.
So, we are here with a bucket full of details about the Bombay Begums Season 2.
Bombay Begums Season 2 – Release Date
The first season of Bombay Begums was released on the 8th of March, 2021. The series Bombay Begums was released on OTT Platform Netflix. The first season has six episodes; each episode has an average duration of 45 minutes. All the episodes of season 1 are got released on the same day. There is no official announcement of the release of Bombay Begums Season 2 by Netflix. Bombay Begum’s production team has not yet stated anything about the release of the new season.
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The Bombay Begums Season 1 was released on women’s day in 2021. The makers have planned to make more women-centric series in the future.
Bombay Begums Season 2 – Cast
The cast for the main lead of the new season of the Bombay Begums Season 2:
- Pooja Bhatt as Rani.
- Shahana Goswami as Fatima.
- Amruta Subhash as Lily.
- Plabita Borthakur as Ayesha.
- Aadhya Anand as Shai.
The other cast for the new season of the Bombay Begums Season 2:
- Rahul Bose as Mahesh.
- Manish Chaudhary as Deepak.
Some more actors who were expected in Bombay Begums Season 2
- Neel Raj Dewan as Zuravar.
- Vivek Gomber as Arijay.
- Imaad Shah as Ron Fernandes.
Bombay Begums Season 2 – Plot
Rani ran towards the hospital with her husband taking her daughter with them because her daughter returned home after a whole night partying and consuming many drugs. The boyfriend of Lily asked whether she wants to go to Dubai. Lily was happy about the news and requested Rani to help her out by blackmailing her.
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Ayesha was stubborn about not taking the complaint back that she has filed on Deepak. Ayesha wants that lily should not give up on her dream of opening a factory. The last episode of Season 1 has shown that Rani and Shai have created a good bonding. Deepak got arrested by police, but he said to police that Rani’s son had run away with a Sex worker’s son in his car. At last, Police come to Rani’s house.
We expect the other plot of the series as Lily will be opening her factory with the name Lily Metals. Ayesha’s adamant behavior will let her obtain the status of individuality. The breakup of Fatima and Arijays’s can be a different plot. Rani and shai will be coming with a new bonding and closeness. There is a story further ahead after the police arrived at the house of Rani to arrest her step-son. In the new season, they may be a new character to enhance the storyline and make the story more interesting for the Bombay Begums series fans.