Big Boss 4 Telugu has come to the end of the third week. As a part of eliminations from the house this week Devi Nagavalli is eliminated from the house. This week the votings took very competitively. This week Mehboob, Harika, and Devi Nagavalli are almost at the equal votes with very little difference between these three but finally, Devi has eliminated from the house. There was a rumor around the corner before the elimination day that this week there will be two eliminations but that not real and only Devi got eliminated.
This week Devi got nominated directly because last week eliminated contestant Karate Kalyani dropped a Big Bomb on Devi to nominate directly for the third-week eliminations as asked by Nagarjuna. Devi was not cooperative with all the housemates since the very start of the show. She had a disagreement with Amma Rajashekhar. Last week she said in the presence of that he is always making fun of everyone in the house which is not good and it will disturb many people if you make fun all the time. Maybe Devi would have been nominated by the contestants as well even though she is nominated directly.
Devi was very close to Lasya in the house and she uses to be with Lasya most of the time. In the Robots and Human task, she is one who died first as the Humans team broke the pot by taking her name so that she will be dead and gets eliminated from the task.