Nerkonda Paarvai is said to be one of the most-awaited Tamil films of the year. On the other hand, H Vinoth is the director of the super hit flick. Boney Kapoor, a prominent producer in Bollywood, lends his production expertise in Nerkonda Paarvai. The star cast of the film includes Shraddha Srinath, Ajith, Andrea Tariang, Abrirami Venkatachalam.
The Tamil social drama featured a worldwide release on the 8th of August, 2019. The first day of the movie showcased that the audience is genuinely in love with the film; in short, the movie was house-full all-over the country. On the other hand, on its opening day, the film did showcase a massive box-office collection. Sadly, Ajith’s Viswasam still holds the record for enormous box-office collection on the first day.
How much did the movie collect on the first day?
Kaushik LM, the notable trade analyst, said that on the first day, Nerkonda Paarvai did collect a massive sum of Rs. 1.58 across the theaters in Chennai. The analyst suggests that it is an enormous victory for the movie as it was released in a working day.
In addition to this, the first-day box office collection of Nerkonda Paarvai is at its peak in the year 2019, in Chennai. The reports are also suggesting that the film has earned around Rs 25 crore in Tamil Nadu. On the other hand, the director and producers are screened Nerkonda Paarvai for the press a couple of days before its release. Kaushik LM said that the screening gave the movie a boost to become the highest-grossing Tamil movie in 2019.
Nerkonda Paarvai’s second-day box office prediction
The film did receive massive applause from the critics and the audience on the first day. In addition to this, the film also garnered a whopping box office collection across the country.
The experts are suggesting that on the second day, the movie would accumulate 10.00 crore across the country.