Made for love is an American dark Comedy TV Series adapted from a novel(with the same name) written by Alissa Nutting. It is aired recently on Netflix on April 2021, with three episodes made available immediately.
Made for love is about a woman tormented by her tech CEO husband, who controls her every movement. She is constantly under his radar so much that he forces her to give him the daily reviews of her orgasms. She is even forbidden from leaving “the HUB” (their compound), and all these things make her realize that she must leave that marriage to live everyday life. And all the hardships she faces on the way to breaking her unhealthy relationship make the first season enjoyable.
Made for Love Season 2 Release Date: Is There Any Scope?
With the first season ending with Hazel and Bryan signing the divorce papers, we might get to see the other side of her life in the second season, and with the billionaire tech husband, there is always scope for the follow-up. And with all the other loose threads about her father’s health and her past life, we can hope for a lot of elements to unfold in season 2 if it ever comes.
Though it’s been adapted from a book, and it doesn’t have a sequel, Netflix hadn’t backed down when the show deserves a sequel. And with the kind of reception “Made for Love” received, we can expect a second season. The cast of the series has been silent about the next season but Hazel coming back to the hub makes a setup for more episodes and more drama to unfold. It all depends on the go-ahead call of HBO max.
Made for Love Season 1: Where To Watch?
The first six episodes of the show are now streaming exclusively in HBO max, and the subscription costs around 15$ a month.