Disney recently revealed the trailer for its upcoming movie ‘Jungle Cruise’. The movie ‘Jungle Cruise’ was started as a riverboat attraction which converted into a big-budget movie. Dwayne Johnson is cast in the movie and the movie will most probably hit the theatres in July next year. The first trailer of the movie is already been released.
In ‘Jungle Cruise’ Dwayne Johnson will be playing the role of Frank who is a captain of the riverboat who specializes in cruises down a dangerous jungle river in 1930. The movie ‘Jungle Cruise’ is expected to hit the big screens on the 24th of July 2020.
‘Jungle Cruise’ Plot Details
The basic plot of the movie is revealed in the trailer. Emily Blunt who is the other car member is playing as an adventurer in search of a mystical tree that possesses healing properties. Emily hires the reluctant Frank to take her downriver on a dangerous mission to find it. The movie has Indiana Jones influenced action and the movie looks funny.
‘Jungle Cruise’ Cast Members
Jaume Collet Serra has directed the movie ‘Jungle Cruise’ he has previously made the thriller The Shallows and the Liam Neeson action thrillers Non-Stop and The Commuter. The cast member of ‘Jungle Cruise’ includes the following members.
- Jack Whitehall as Good Omen
- Paula Giamatti as The Amazing Spider-Man 2
- Jesses Plemons as Game Night
- Edgar Ramirez as Bright
‘Jungle Cruise’ Movie Update
The shooting of the film was done around May 2018 in Hawaii and a Whitehall’s tweet appeared. But as indicated by Walt Disney Studios the recording at that point was enveloped by September 2018.