Application form for JNUEE, JNU 2020 has been released they can be filled by April 30, 2020. The university conducts an exam every year known as JNUEE to enroll different candidates in UG and PG programs. JNU Admission Exam is conducted to offer admission in various fields of engineering, science, laws, humanities, and several more.
Jawaharlal Nehru University has a very distinctive academic structure which makes it different from other universities. JNU provides different UG, UG, and study classes in multiple specializations under various streams such as Science, Commerce, and Arts. JNU takes an exam in form of offline Application type during the first or second week of March, usually. Each fulltime JNU student receives various financial assistance through scholarship facilities to promote higher education.
JNUEE 2020 Eligibility Criteria
1. All the Indian and Foreign students are eligible to apply for the entrance test.
Age Criteria
- For B.A (Hons.), the minimum age limit is 17 years old as of October 1, 2020.
- For all the other programs, there is no age limit.
JNUEE 2020 Admit Card
The Admit Cards of JNUEE 2020 will be published by May 2020. The candidates can download the admit card online from the official Website by typing their program number and password. The university will not be sending the Admit Card through mail or post.
Candidates need to carry their Admit Card to the examination hall. No one will be allowed without admit card to enter the exam hall.
JNUEE 2020 Answer Key
The answer key of the JNUEE will be released online after the completion of all the exams.