High Rise Invasion is a Japanese Manga series that was run from December 2013 to April 2019. The recent ONA(Original Net Animation) anime series adaptation streamed on Netflix worldwide in Feb 2021.
The 12 episodes (each episode with a run the length of 25-27 mins) horror mystery series premiered on Feb 25, 2021, and all 12 episodes are made available on the same day on Netflix. High Rise Invasion became the first complete Original anime series to arrive on Netflix in 2021. Zero-G handled the production of the series.
High Rise Invasion: Renewal Status :
It’s too early for Netflix to decide upon the renewal of the series as it’s only released in the last week of February. There have been no announcements either from Netflix or from Zero-G studios regarding the future of the show.
Netflix generally waits for the show’s performance in terms of viewership and ratings before considering the series for an extension. As of now, the ratings and reviews have been positive. If it continues the trend, there are no reasons not to think about the show’s second season.
High Rise Invasion: Release Date:
There is no official update about the show’s release date, but the first season coming only at the end of February 2021 suggests that we can’t expect the second season till the early months of 2022, at the least. If the team wants to follow a pattern, we can expect the next season to come during February of 2022.
High Rise Invasion: What Can We Expect From Season 2?
Potential loose ends at the end of the first season left us with many plots and subplots that can be addressed in the next season. For instance, the chances of Yuri and her brother Rika reuniting can act as a subplot, and fans can expect the second season on those lines.
As the anime is yet to cover over 100 chapters left after the first season, which covered 149 out of 258 published chapters, we can expect to see the rest of the manga in the next season. Join us in the wait, and we will update you whenever it’s ready for us.