The incident breakdown in Ecuador when a pet dog showed refusal towards leaving his owner’s coffin and made headlines for his intensive affection and loyalty by showing his ultimate grief at his owner’s death.
In Ecuador, a woman named Maria Isabel Benites Chamba had a company with her dog Bumer for years. Their bond was so strong that it led them to an extent of an inseparable connection with each other, which could last for several eternities.
By respecting their special bond and connection from his owner’s cherished and affection, the dog went on refusing to leave his owner’s coffin till the very end. This symbolizes the true form of love and cherishing of his owner’s memories that leads the dog to the extent of “Not leaving her no matters what!”
At the age of 95, the woman died. At the final time of the funeral, it waited, lying beside his owner’s corpses.
At the final time of the ceremony, Bumer company, the procession with friends and family leading towards the cemetery to recognize her lasted corpses beneath the earth’s surface. Bumer reportedly circled around the hearse with absolute grief before getting into the ambulance.
The funeral home tasked with organizing the event shared a video suspecting the dog of staying up on the hearse near the coffin of his owner.
A suspect of the event who describes the gesture of the dog was completely in a different league of affection and loyalty and also went to say how heartbreaking the entire scene was. In accordance with the news outlet, he said.
“You could see the loyalty and affection that existed between her and her dog. He was always there with his owner”
Various images of Bumer guiding the coffin went viral. Some pictures depict the special bond they share. The dog never left his owner’s side until the very end of her final day. The news went viral, appreciating the heartwarming action of the canine and also commenting action on his true loyalty.
The whole internet went on appreciating the true affection and loyalty of the dog. Several news outlets were gathered outside the funeral home in order to get the spectators of the incident’s words.
A spokesperson from the funeral home said by confirming the bond between Chamba’s family and bumer was so special and loyal.