The popular comedic anime ‘Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid’ witnessed several unavoidable setbacks on its way to season 2. But, finally, we have some exciting news for the fans about its release date. Season 2 is all set to hit Japan and streaming partners in the late summer of 2021. Read below to know about the latest updates about everything that you would love to know.
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid Season 2: the reason behind the setback
The producer and the director for the show are Kyoto Animation and Yasuhiro Takemoto, who announced for the upcoming season 2 back in 2019 only. In addition, the director Takemoto worked on several other projects as well, namely Air, Haruhi Suzumiya, and Lucky Star.
Unluckily, he was one among the 36 killed and 33 injured due to the Kyoto Animation arson incident back in 2019. Furthermore, there was another hindrance, the COVID-19 pandemic wave. This, too, led to a delay in production for season 2.
Finally, defying all odds, the sow is successfully returning for season 2 after a long wait. Tatsuya Ishihara is the new director of the show.
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid Season 2: Updates on Release Date
Finally, on 7th July, the show’s season, 2, will premiere in Japan. In addition to this, Crunchyroll was confirmed to host season streaming for season 2 in a similar manner to season 1 outside Japan.
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid Season 2: Is there any Trailer?
YES! Recently, a teaser trailer for the show was revealed, depicting glimpses of season 1 and what’s there in store for season 2. Throughout the video, dragons Fafnir, Lacoa, Kanna, and Elma are visible, further displaying love and battles.
Furthermore, the teaser trailer revealed the show’s new title as well. The newer title for season 2 will be Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S. The fans must be pondering over this ‘S.’ So, we have curated the details for this ‘S’ that is ‘Super Supreme Second life Starts.’
Watch the trailer here: