An American streaming television period drama series, Bridgerton, is created by Chris Van Dusen and produced by Shonda Rhimes. It is grounded on Julia Quinn’s novels set in the modest world of Regency-era London’s town during the season when debutantes are shown at court. It is the first scripted Netflix series by Shona Rhime.
It premiered on 25th December 2020 and got a hugely positive response. It aired with love, and added a considerable fan following, and got number 1 on the series in 76 countries.
The first season became the most significant show with a whopping 82 million households and a massive success for Netflix.
Does it have a Second Season?
The love received by the show is enough to say that it got fans in a vast number. And, there is good news for those fans. The show became an immediate miracle and was instantly renewed for its next season. Thus, the show is most likely to return on screen with its second season.
Release Date and the Related Updates
There is no formal update on the release date of its upcoming season. For now, it is anticipated that it is likely to come back by the end of the year. This is because the first season landed on Christmas Day of 2020, and the new season is anticipated to premiere in late 2021.
It had come to light that its production is likely to resume in the spring of 2021. This came from the tweet of Lady Whistledown when she shared the message regarding season 2.
However, due to the covid19 situation, it is not clear whether the filming for the show has begun; thus, it is safe to assume that it will go slower and come in the early months of 2022.