American drama series “Yellowstone” has successfully rolled out 3 of its Seasons. The show follows the Dutton family, owners of the largest ranch in the United States. It is set in a beautiful backdrop augmented by the conflicts that happen across the border between native reservations and National Parks. The show often takes a melodramatic route which is overshadowed by its talented cast.
The show has been releasing a new Season every year since 2018 June. Last year, much ahead of Season 3, the show was renewed for a fourth season, so now the fans are wondering if the show is coming soon. Here is everything we know so far.
Yellowstone Season 4: Release Date:
Yellowstone has been quite punctual in rolling out its season every year. All 3 Seasons had premiered around 20 June, and so the speculations predicted a June release besides the Instagram post by chief Joseph ranch, who had hinted for a June release as well when the shooting had wrapped up back in November. But here we are, standing on the doorstep, and there is no information.
Also, the network has released no trailer so far, which leads us to speculate that this time, the makers may play a bit with the release dates. We assume that the show is, after all, not releasing in June, but we hope for a release soon.
Yellowstone Season 4 Cast:
There has been no announcement for the official cast for season 4. Still, we assume the lead cast, besides the protagonist John Dutton, played by Kevin Costner, would be returning for sure along with the new faces who had appeared just in Season 3, including Josh Holloway, Karen Pittman, and Will Patton.
Yellowstone Season 4: Plot and Spoilers
Last we were left gasping as a bomb blasted in Keith Dutton’s office while John and Kayce were shot at different places. Now we don’t know if they survived, and hence the Season 4 will start with shedding light on who survived the attacks. Also, we’ll find out if Duttons can finally improve their relations with the indigenous tribe.