The final episode titled “The Series Finale” delicately drew the curtains on Marvel fans’ latest obsession, the interesting yet complicated series, WandaVision. Within a month of its release, WandaVision Season one emerged as the most popular TV show in the world. Now that it’s ended, the fans are contemplating ways for a second season to knock on our doors. So is it true that there is a possibility for WandaVision Season 2?
WandaVision is Marvel’s first sitcom created by Jac Schaeffer for Disney+ Hotstar and released in January 2021. Featuring Marvel Comic’s characters Wanda Maximoff and Vision, the show was excitedly welcomed by the viewers.
WandaVision Theme and storyline
The show begins following the events as per the 2019 movie Avengers Endgame, after which Wanda and Vision lead a suburban life and how they encounter situations with the passing time.
The show was conceived initially holding inspiration from the classic sitcoms whilst imbibing details that pleased the modern entertainment sector. WandaVision has carefully blended the concept of a sitcom into a drama involving mystery and elements of romance.
WandaVision Season 2: Release Dates
There have been several remarks centering on the prospect of WandaVision Season 2; whether it will happen or not, what to expect, and whatnot.
Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios President and Co-Producer of WandaVision, in his statement to the Television Critics Association has neither confirmed nor denied a second season. According to him, in the case of Marvel Cinematic Universe productions, there is an equal chance it might go back into a second series or even a feature film. To the disappointment of fans all over, show director Shakman has publicly made clear there were no plans for WandaVision Season 2.
But needless to say, fan theories anticipating a comeback of Wanda’s children or waiting to perceive a clarity on Whitevision are quite relieved when the cast including Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany remained optimistic about WandaVision Season 2.
But we do not have a clear answer yet, so let’s calmly wait for the return of our beloved Wanda in Doctor Strange 2 and see where we can obtain further leads on a probable future to WandaVision.