Master, the forthcoming Indian-Tamil language action-thriller film directed and written by Lokesh Kanagaraj was all set to release on the 9th of April 2020. Xavier Britto helms the role of the producer of the film under XB Film Creators. In addition to this, the film is going to be distributed by the Seven Screen Studio.
Release date of the film is postponed
In the fiasco brought to life by Coronavirus in India, the makers of the film have decided to push the release date of the film. As Master is the first-ever film of Vijay which is going to release in Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi, the makers have decided to move the release date to be in the safe side.
#Master which was expected to release on 9th April will be mostly postponed to May ‘20
— Sathish Kumar M (@sathishmsk) March 16, 2020
The reason why Master is one of the films which will release in four different languages is that Vijay is popular in the states where these languages are spoken. Until now, the new release date is not revealed by the makers; however, the release date will be known soon.
Star cast of Master
The film features Vijay in the role of Master alongside Vijay Sethupathi, Andrea Jeremiah, Malavika Mohanan, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, Nassar, Arjun Das, Srinath, Sanjeev, Sriman, Nagendra Prasad, and Dheena.