Title of Thalapathy 64 is named ‘Master’, ‘Managaram’, and ‘Kaithi’ is an upcoming Tamil movie and the director of the film is Lokesh Kanagaraj. The producer of the film is Xavier Britto under the banner of XB Film Creators, the company’s first production. This is Lokesh’s third film as director. He got a big change within a short span of experience to direct a South Indian Super Star Thalapathy Vijay.
Master Cast
This is Thalapathy Vijay’s 64th film, he has given many super hit films in Tamil Cinema. His films always have a great expectation in South Indian Cinema and so does this movie has. Along with Thalapathy Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi is also in Master. Vijay Sethupathi is doing the role of a villain in this movie which increases the expectations two folds as two lead actors are working in the cinema.
Malavika Mohan is the lead female actress in this film. Shanthanu who is a Legendary actor and director’s son has also joined the movie. Antony Varghese is also a part of the film.
Master Release Date
Thalapathy 64 starring Vijay is expected to release in summers of 2020. The expected date of release is April 9, though it has not been confirmed yet.
Master Trailer and Teaser
Trailer and Teaser of the film are yet to be released.
Master Songs
The music for Master has been composed by Anirudh Ravichander with Sony Music. The first song ‘Kutti Story’ which has been sung by Vijay and Anirudh and written by Arunraja released on February 14, 2002.