Venu Sriram directed Vakeel Saab starring Pawan Kalyan has had a grand release in theatres on April 9, Friday, 2021. The Indian Telugu-language drama revolves around the story of a criminal lawyer. An adaptation of the famous 2016 Hindi film, Pink, starring veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan. The film ensemble a note-worthy cast of talented actors, including Shruti Haasan, Prakash Raj, Nivetha Thomas, Anjali, and Ananya Nagalla.
Vakeel Saab day 1 Box office trend, here’s what you need to know
The movie records box office hit on day one in the middle of this pandemic in the Telugu States. Initially postponed due to the pandemic, the release was no fail. The movie has turned out to be a great hit, filling the exhibitors’ pockets in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu.
The positive reports have forecasted that this would prolong in the long run as well. The trends so far suggest that it is likely one of the biggest openings for power actor Pawan Kalyan to date. Rs 25 crore plus day one share in the Telugu states has made its mark. The day one aggregate has a higher chance of surpassing Rs 35 crore, with the night-show expected to change the number past the Rs 40 crore mark.
Released across 2000 plus screens worldwide, the theatres in the Telugu states have been jam-packed with larger crowds in the vicinity of cinema halls. The grand opening for Vakeel Saab yet again reinstates that power actor Pawan Kalyan is a giant crowd magnet in Telugu cinema in the current time, abandoning all his contemporaries behind.