A team of bohemians scrutinized a series of supernatural crimes in Victorian London for Dr. Watson and his shadowy associate, Sherlock Holmes-created by Tom Bidwell. The series is packed with action, thrill, and mysteries, from the chemistry between Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes to the comedy among the misfits, which keeps your eyes glued to the screen. A perfect series to binge-watch this season.
The previous season showed us some promising content. One of the most important things in any series is the character build-up, and this series does it right. The characters are introduced ideally. All the characters are given equal weightage, and the director has seen that no character is over- powered. The suspense of Sherlock Holmes’ character is also a major plot twist, and we can also say that the director deliberately left some loose string to continue the story in the second season.
The Irregulars Season 2 Release Date
Yes, guys…., you heard it right! There is going to be a second season. Although Netflix hasn’t officially declared any official date for the next installment, the rumors are around that it will not see daylight until 2022 for sure. The show started with 8 episodes in the first season, as there is no confirmation how many episodes season 2 will have.
The Irregulars Season 2 Cast: Who Will Be There?
Here’s who we expect to return, and we’ll add any new casting announcements to the list below as and when they are made:-Thaddea Graham as Bea, Darci Shaw as Jessie, Jojo Macari as Billy, Mckell David as Spike, Harrison Osterfield (Leopard), Royce Pierreson(John Watson).
Like any other new series, The Irregulars also has many teething problems because of the slow-running time of the plot and exposition drops. Still, it compensates with its high voltage casting an eye to details.