Shahrukh Khan, aka King Khan, has been ruling Bollywood for decades, and now it’s the turn of his daughter, Suhana Khan, to carry his legacy. Suhana Khan will team up with Khushi Kapoor and Agastya Nanda to make her official debut in the upcoming Netflix venture, The Archies. So, when is The Archies dropping on the OTT platform? Here is all we know…
Netflix Is Cooking Something exciting!!
Coming under the direction of Zoya Akhtar, The Archies will help the audience relive their 90s childhood memories. The story will revolve around four friends, Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, and Veronica Lodge.
The Archies OTT Release Date
As of now, the official release date of the Archies is not yet revealed. However, it will be released sometime in 2023.
Where To Watch The Archies?
The Archies is coming from the box of Netflix. So, it will be available on the streaming platform, and all subscription holders will have exclusive access. So, what are you waiting for if you don’t have one? So, get it and dive into the 90s time.