Stranger Things is an American science fiction horror mystery-thriller streaming television series created by the Duffer Brothers streamed on one of the very popular OTT platforms Netflix. The very first season of Stranger Things was released on July 15, 2016. The first season of the show blew the minds of the viewers with the content of the series, the way things are shown in the series. Stranger Things has completed 3 seasons and the makers of the show are planning to release the fourth season.
Stranger Things season 4 will bring more strange things to the show and the usual setting of The Hellfire Club, Hawkins High’s D&D Club are present whereas for the upcoming new season the episodes are shot in a new set which looks like a psychiatric hospital and that brings the interest and some sort of newness to the audience. We can expect that there might be a little more inventive things than the normal ones in the Stranger Things season 4.
The viewers of this series are eagerly waiting for the release of Season 4. According to the sources, the Stranger Things Season 4 shoot has been started and eight new cast members are confirmed including Jamie Campbell Bower, Eduardo Franco, and Robert Englund. The roles of the new members can be known once the season releases.
The Season 4 production started in March 2020 but the year 2020 was a disaster as the whole world stuck in homes due to coronavirus pandemic. The filming of the Season 4 was resumed in October 2020, Netflix confirmed this on Twitter, and still going on as well and we can expect that Season 4 will be available later this year. The Stranger Things season 4 official release date hasn’t been disclosed yet. If everything was normal Season 4 may have been released by now. The scripting of Season 4 was completed a long way back.
If things work well and if everything is normal without any pandemic interventions we can expect Season 4 later this year.