The official audio launch event of the forthcoming film of Rajinikanth, Darbar is currently being aired by Sun TV. By the looks of it, Darbar comes from the mind of the critically acclaimed director, A R Murugadoss who directed a thriller, Ghajini. Darbar is set for the release in the following year during Pongal. The film features Superstar, Rajinikanth, Nivetha Thomas, Nayanthara, and Bollywood actor Sunil Shetty.
So far, the fans of Superstar Rajnikanth are quite excited to watch the notable legend of the Indian film industry, Rajinikanth deliver some insight into the film during the event. Moreover, the other cast & crew members of the film are also going to be a part of the event, hence there is a chance that they might share a few experiences working with the living legend and director, Mr Murugadoss.
The audio launch of Darbar airs on Sun TV
As far as the records of Sun TV is taken into consideration, the channel is expected to garner significant TRP at the time of the event. As a matter of fact, the active users of the internet are predicting that the event will garner massive TRP when putting into contrast with numerous films and events that aired all through the year.
In addition to this, Sun TV has been quite busy with the promotions regarding the telecast in each possible way. Moreover, fans of the 2020 film are in love with the promotion & marketing campaign of the event.
People can also live stream Darbar’s audio launch on Sun NXT
The great piece of news is that people can also watch the event in real-time on Sun NXT app. Nevertheless, the users are required to possess a premium account to watch the event.