Solamante Theneechakal created a lot of buzz with its official theatrical debut on August 18, 2022. Coming from the famous director, Lal Jose, and starring fan-favorite faces such as Addis Akkara, Darsana Sudarshan, Joju George, Vincy Aloshious, and more in lead roles, the movie got a lot of praise. But, in case you missed the opportunity to get the theatrical experience of Solamante Theneechakal, no worries, as the film is finally coming out on the OTTs. But when and where? Here is all we know so far.
Solamante Theneechakal OTT Release Date
As per the latest reports, Solamante Theneechakal is set to hit a super-popular OTT platform on October 1, 2022. So, it’s just a matter of a couple of days.
Solamante Theneechakal got its theatrical debut on August 28, receiving mixed reviews from critics. While there were some flaws in the storyline, the fans showered love on Joju George and Vincy Aloshious for their incredible performance.
Solamante Theneechakal OTT Platform – Where To Watch Solamante Theneechakal?
Solamante Theneechakal will be out on Manorama Max on October 1. It will be available in the Malayalam language.