Superstar Mahesh Babu has turned 45 today while his charm and charisma is getting even younger. This auspicious day for his fans is made even sweeter with Sarkaru Vaari Paata Motion Poster release today. The movie first look posters were published by May 31st this year which was his father’s birthday.
In the Motion Poster, one can see Mahesh Babu flipping a coin while the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is being played. While there is no clear idea about the storyline yet, it is clear that the movie will have money as its focal point.
Sarkaru Vaari Paata is directed by Parasuram Petla. The screenplay is written by Parasuram himself while Mahesh Babu does the Production. The movie is funded by Mythri Movie Makers and 14 Reels Plus in the class of GMB Entertainment.
While Sarkaru Vaari Paata is sold in the family-drama genre, Mahesh Babu the lead male cast, promises it will be a complete entertainer with a strong message which keeps him excited about the project. The well-acclaimed songs and music will be composed by SS Thaman. Lead lady cast of the movie is speculated to be Keerti Suresh. An official confirmation is awaited.
Twitter hashtags of Mahesh Babu has already been trending for some days regarding the actor’s birthday and Sarkaru Vaari Paata even before the motion poster release. The good news was shared by Thaman with #SuperStar @urstrulyMahesh hashtag. He is working with Mahesh Babu after 7 years.
Due to Corona related delay, official details and reliable information regarding the movie is only beginning to surface. No working Wikipedia link has been made yet for the movie. The movie is listed as Parasuram’s 7th movie in his wiki-bio.
Sarkaru Vaari Paata Cast
apart from Mahesh Babu and Keerty Suresh possibly include Vijay Deverakonda, Kiara Advani among others.
Sarkaru Vaari Paata Release Date
The movie temporarily named SSMB 27 is expected to release November 2020 or early 2021. There is no official report on the exact release date yet.