Resident Alien is a science fiction mystery comedy-drama television series adapted from a comic book with the same name written by Peter Hogan and Stever Parkhouse. The 10 episode show premiered on Jan 27, 2021, every week, and the first Season finale was aired on March 31, 2021.
The first season ended with a shocking cliff-hanger that means Harry(played by Alan Tudyk) is likely to return to Earth, whether he wants to or not. So, we’re ready to witness what’s coming, and the good news is that there is an announcement made about the future of the series.
Resident Alien: Season 2 Renewal and Release Date:
The quirky series will be back with season 2. SYFY has renewed it in March 2021. The season got a go-ahead for another season even before the first season finale, which clearly says how much the fans and the franchises want it.
The showrunner Chris Sheridan mentioned that it would have taken 7 to 8 months for the first season to be shot if not for the pandemic. Given the time it takes, it isn’t sure to see the upcoming season appearing before us in 2021.
Though the streaming service has announced no release date, if the team is following the pattern, they would release the next one during the same time as the first season, in February of 2022.
Resident Alien: Cast for Season 2
As almost all the townsfolk have survived the attack in the season finale along with the military Lieutenant David Logan (Alex Barima), most of the season 1 characters are expected to return for the next season. That doesn’t mean that there can’t be new faces, for which there is always scope with the subplots.
The show, which follows the misadventures of a socially inept visitor from beyond the stars, is renewed, and we can expect more zany antics from Alan Tudyk’s alien lead, Harry Vanderspiegel. Follow us, and we will keep you informed about all you need to know.