Ragnarok, a fantasy drama on Netflix, is the recent talk of the town after the airing of its season 2 in May 2021. This show is top-rated due to a mixed blend of Norse mythology with high school drama. Further, the show twists it by bringing in the reincarnation concept. The last season revealed the Edda town packed with the collision between the teenaged gods and the giants.
After the explosive finale, now fans are eagerly waiting for updates on how Magne and his brother Laurits face-off with Jutuls, that is, the giants. So, here are the updates regarding the upcoming season 3 for the expected cast, plot, and story details.
Ragnarok Season 3: Updates for Renewal Status
There isn’t any official confirmation for the renewal of the show for season 3. Still, it is quite early to say anything regarding the release date for Ragnarok season 3. This is because Netflix waits for a few weeks to analyze the previous season’s success before jumping to a conclusion for renewal. But season 3 is still a possibility.
Ragnarok Season 3: Updates for the Release Date
The previous 2 seasons consisted of six powerful episodes. Along with this, the release trend shows that Netflix released season 1 in 2020, season 2 in 2021, and thus, one could expect season 3 to be somewhere in 2022. Of course, after Netflix confirms its renewal status.
Ragnarok Season 3: What to expect?
It is expected that season 3 will resume from its predecessor’s lead. The Laurits is not only a trickster god but also a giant. He might prove to be an ally in the face-off between gods and giants. Also, the Magne and other gods are in trouble, even after the union with Saxa. As the remaining Jutuls are extremely destructive, it is anticipated that the upcoming season will be extremely challenging for protagonists.