APPSC aka Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission has reportedly released the APPSC Panchayat Secretary Main. Beforehand on Aug 12, 2019, the commission said that it would issue the Exam hall ticket on the 13the of Aug 2019.
According to the Commission, a significant number of students did appear for their exams. The Students were asked as to why they are choosing this career, most of the students said, they want to sever to making their community and their state better. The day before on Aug 13, the commission said that students have to keep an eye on the official website to know the result.
The result of APPSC mains is finally out
The candidates who did appear in the exam are now allowed to download their admit cards. The examination is due on Aug 26, 2019. The students need to note that the examination is only confined to the students who did clear the preliminary exams. Furthermore, the students who failed to clear the initial exam do not qualify to download the admit card for the main examination.
Moreover, the students who have cleared the preliminary exam can now download the admit cards from the official website The candidates have to provide the login credentials such as the user ID, mobile number on the official website to download their admit card. In addition to this, it is essential to note that there are only 1102 job vacancies for the Panchayat Secretary Posts.
Moreover, the job vacancies come under the acclaimed Notification No 13/2018.
Steps that the students need to follow to download the Hall Ticket:
- The students have to visit Official APPSC Website @
- Later, the students have to click on the Panchayat Secretary APPSC Hall Ticket option on the website’s home page.
- A new window will pop up where the students have to provide their credentials such as the mobile number and user ID.
- Upon submission, the Hall ticket will appear on the screen.
- Download the admit card and print it out for future reference.