Panchayat, an Amazon Prime Video Original, is a comedy-drama web series that revolves around the life of Abhishek Tripathy, an Engineering graduate portrayed by Jitendra Kumar. Tripathy takes up the job of a secretary in the government sector and he is posted to Uttar Pradesh’s Phullera village. The first season of Panchayat released on the 3rd of April 2020.
Deepak Kumar Mishra helms the role of the director of the series where Chandan Kumar has penned down the story which is loved by viewers. Moreover, the show did receive impressive ratings from IMDb with a rating of 9.1/10. On the first day, the show has received a viewership of around 4000+. Hence, the fans are eagerly waiting to see the second season of Panchayat.
The plot of Panchayat
Abhishek Tripathy, an Engineering graduate joins the government sector due to a lack of jobs in the fields of Engineering. He became the secretary of the Panchayat Office in Phullera village which is a native village of Uttar Pradesh.
The Cast of Panchayat
The series features Jitendra Kumar, Raghuvir Yadav, Chandan Roy, Neena Gupta, Faisal Malik, Biswapati Sarkar, Sushil Tandon, K Kusum Shastri, Subendhu Chakraborty, Pooja Singh, Jyoti Dubey, Dipesh Binnyani, Rajesh Jais, among others.
It is unclear as to who among these cast members are going to return for the second season.
How did people respond to the first season?
The series has received an enormous amount of response from the audience across the country.
Up until now, none of the trailers of the second season has released at the time of writing.
Eagerly waiting for Panchayat web series season 2
me tooooo
Director sir , please release the season 2 as soon as possible.
We desperately waiting