The popular comedy sci-fi drama series was an instant hit among the audience due to its strong inspiration from the cult-classic sci-fi franchise Star Trek. The series has come from the mind of Seth MacFarlane who is also in the series as Capt. Ed Mercer.
The cast of Orville Season 3
The cast of the series features actors such as Adrianne Palicki, Peter Macon, Penny Johnson Jerald, as well as Scott Grimes, among several others. The crew members of the spaceship travel through the final frontier, space in their starship namely The Orville.
The Captain is joined by first and a second officer, alongside a medical officer, a security chief, and a helmsman. In the second season, the crew members of The Orville had to face new aliens and defeat them, by the end of the season, Kelly and Ed moved closer as a couple, once again. Kelly even accepted to go on a second date with Ed.
Orville Season 3 release date
The third season of the series is already in production, nevertheless, the release date and the renewal of the series is not announced as of now. The reason for the delay in release is due to the production of the episodes.
The creator of the show, MacFarlane revealed that the series is getting ambitious with every passing time.
Orville Season 3: Plot
According to the creator, the third season of Orville is going to cement the starship “The Orville” as an animal, rather than being a space-based show inspired from Star Trek. Also, the series will not feature any adult scenes as the series has been picked up by Hulu.