The popular webcomic ‘One Punch Man’ is well-known among the fas since its debut back in 2015. The popular anime is solely based on the Japanese superhero webcomic ‘One,’ which was released in 2009. The story revolves around the hero Saitama, who is very strong. He is capable of beating down enemies with only a single punch. But, the face-off with a potential enemy capable enough to withstand Saitama was the newer twist in the anime. The fans appreciated the show, and the 7.9 million hits witnessed this in 2012.
The fans were desperately waiting for any updates regarding the hilarious show on Netflix. If you are one of them, here are the latest updates and revelations for the One Punch Man season 3.
One Punch Man season 3: Is it confirmed?
There haven’t been any official updates regarding season 3. But, it is most likely that there will be a season 3 for the most popular anime in Japan and other countries.
Additionally, there are several manga chapters still left to be delivered. Thus, keeping in mind the popularity and the incompletion of the plots, it is likely to have season 3.
One Punch Man season 3: The number of episodes
Looking at the number of episodes in the previous seasons, i.e., 1 and 2, it could be anticipated that season 3 could consist of 12 episodes only. Again, it depends solely on the animation studio. These are mere predictions.
One Punch Man season 3: Expected release date
There isn’t any official news about the filming or the release date for this webcomic. The global pandemic has undoubtedly altered the filming and releasing schedules for several series. Even this hilarious anime isn’t spared from the same. But, you will get the latest updates here as soon as they are revealed. Also, you could expect it somewhere in this year or 2022. Until then, watch the previous seasons on Netflix now.