If you are looking for Honours 4th Year Routine 2020, this routine is for 4th year honors students of session 2015-16 and for the irregular session 2014-15. Routine for fourth-year students of session 2015-16 has been published by the National University of Bangladesh(NU) on their website www.nubd.info or nu.ac.bd. A few days ago, the students who filled their forms were the final routine for the 4th year honors students. National University has become a little strict for the 4th year honors students as the honors 3rd routine was published a few days back.
4th Year Honours Routine 2020
Examination Start: February 29, 2020
Examination End: April 4, 2020
Examination Start Time: 1:30 PM
National University 4th Year Honours Centre List
The 4th Year Honours Centre List will be published by National University for sessions 2015-16 in some days. So the students who applied for the 4th Year Honours Centre List have to wait for few more days. The circular that will be published will give you information about how to center you will be giving your exam.
Form Fill Up Notice 4th Year Honours 2019
4th Year Honours form fill up 2019 got finished a few days back. The form was only for regular and irregular students of 4th Year Honours. The regular students’ session is 2016-16, while for the irregular students, it is 2014-15. NU completes all the procedures of form fill.
4th Year Honours Resulted in 2020
As per the National University, 4th Year Honours results will be published within a time period of 3 months. The results of 4th Year Honours will be available on the official website of National University, that is, nu.ac.bd/results.