Move to Heaven is a South Korean television series released in 2021. It was directed by Kim Sung-ho and written by Yoon Ji-ryeon, which is an original Netflix series featuring Lee Je-hoon, Tang Joon-sang, Ji Jin-hee, Lee Jae-wook, and Hong Seung-hee. The series also has Geu-ru (Tang Joon-sang), a man in his youth with Asperger syndrome, and Sang-gu (Lee Je-hoon), his guardian. They work as trauma cleaners who uncover unknown stories. The series was released globally by Netflix on May 14, 2021.
The plot of the Story
The plot of the series is moved by the brilliant essay “Things Left Behind” by Kim Sae-byul, a former “trauma cleaner.” Get-ru (Tang Joon-sang) and his ex-convict uncle Sang-gu (Lee Je-hoon) happen to encounter for the first time after the unexpected death of Geu-Ru’s father. Trusted as Geu-Ru’s guardian, Sang-gu connects with his nephew so that he can help run the family trauma cleaning company “Move to Heaven,” wherein the meantime of business they also get to know the unknown stories about the departed person. At the same time, Sang-gu tries his best to deal with his tender past with Geu-Ru’s father and the traumatic incident that put him in jail.
Season 2 Updates?
We completely understand that if you love a show or a movie, you would want to watch the next season as well. However, just a little dejected news for its fans, there is no update on its renewal.
Besides that, we also know that the next part might come. This comes from the hint of how the last season ended. Thus, please stay hopeful and keep your eyes on it. We would make sure that we share its happy news as soon as we know about it. Till then, keep enjoying its last season!