In a similar fashion to the storyline of ‘Manifest’ where a plane disappears for five and a half years before reappearing, the show itself might disappear before making a possible comeback. There has been news going around the cancellation of ‘Manifest’ by NBC and a possible revival by streamer Netflix. So let’s take a closer look at the enigma surrounding ‘Manifest’ season 4.
The American supernatural drama series ‘Manifest’ was created by NBC and had its first premiere in September 2018. Soon after the show’s initial success, NBC renewed ‘Manifest’ for two more seasons which aired in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long enough for the popular streamer, Netflix, to take up the project and turn it into one of its recent crowd-pullers.
An airplane from Jamaica to New York suddenly disappears mid-air and emerges after five and a half years. The plot revolves around the passengers who struggle to cope with their normal lives while also battling strange occultism after the disappearance. The last episode brought fans about a rollercoaster of emotions and an even bigger cliffhanger.
Has NBC canceled Manifest for a fourth season?
Amidst great expectation, shocking news came after NBC decided to hastily cancel the further production of ‘Manifest’ season 4. After a successful run for three years, the doors have been shut on ‘Manifest’ with just three seasons in its pocket. Does this mean the end of the supernatural drama series?
Manifest Season 4: Possible Revival?
Since it has been confirmed that NBC has canceled production on the show, Netflix has been involved in a series of talks with Warner Bros TV to shift ‘Manifest’ into its production wing. The first two seasons of ‘Manifest’ are already available to stream on Netflix, which had a good rating and reached the top 10 within days. So the move to Netflix seems like an excellent prospect for the fans.
Manifest Season 4: Release Date & Episodes?
It is too soon to comment on the release date for ‘Manifest’ season 4. However, fans have to wait for the show to be revived before we get an official announcement. As for the episodes, ‘Manifest’ season 4 could have the same 13 episodes as its predecessors.