The original spin-off series of “The Vampire Diaries” and “The Originals,” “Legacies” is officially coming with its third installment. So, when will the “Legacies” Season 3 land on the CW Network?
Legacies are one of the most-watched fantasy drama series on the CW Network. It’s the spinoff of “The Originals,” which follows the famous “Vampire Diaries.” Created by Julie Plec, “Legacies” marked its debut on the CW Network on October 25, 2018.
The storyline follows a group of moody teenagers with some insane supernatural abilities. Danielle Rose Russell plays Hope Mikaelson, whom the audience first saw in “The Original.” The show connects the audience to its spin-offs, creating some magical moments for the fans. “Legacies” is currently in its third edition, and the fans are impatient to know about the new season’s release date. So, here is all we know.
“Legacies” Season 3 Release Date – When Will Season 3 Release On Netflix?
Unfortunately, the “Legacies” Season 3 is delayed like many other shows due to the pandemic. If you are a Netflix subscriber, the “Legacies” Season 3 will be available on the streaming platform nearly a week after the season finale hits the CW Network.
Reacting to the delay of “Legacies” Season 3, the makers shifted the premiere from the usual October slot. The new premiere time is not yet revealed. But as per our sources, “Legacies” Season 3 will drop on the CW Network by January 2022.
Will “Legacies” Season 3 Be Available To The Netflix Subscribers Globally?
Unfortunately, Netflix will drop the third season of “Legacies” for the US audience only. Although the streaming king has delivered the mighty shows like “The Original” globally for “Legacies,” it will be different. So, the fans outside the US will have to wait till HBO Max premieres the show.
Ensure to follow our page as we will serve the official release date of “Legacies” Season 3 soon.