Jamtara has already secured a dedicated fan base and following around the country weeks after its release on Netflix. The series was written by Trishant Srivastava and Soumendra Padhi helms the roles of the director of the series. The entire series revolves around Jharkhand’s Jamatara district.
The first season of Jamtara first came into being on the 10th of January 2020. The first season of Jamtara comprised 10 episodes. Currently, the series has a rating of around 7.3 out of 10 on IMDb. If recent revelations are taken into consideration, the makers are curating plans to renew the second season of Jamtara.
Jamtara Season 2: Release Date
The second season of Jamtara is all set to release this year. However, the official date of the forthcoming season is yet to be released or revealed by makers and cast members. The moment the makers think that they are ready for releasing the series, they will let the fans know on either internet or social media.
Jamtara Season 2: Storyline and Plot
The series has received its name from a popular district in Jharkhand. The premise of the series suggests that each year, several people find themselves being duped by the agents of insurance companies and fake banks. Jamtara is also popular in India for being a hub of phishing operations and Internet scams.
The story on the other hand follows small-town goons who successfully operate a phishing racket. Nevertheless, the young con men come across a completely corrupt politician and their lives, as well as their goals, are turned upside down.
Jamtara Season 2: Cast
The series features Amit Sial, Aksha Pardasany, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Monika Panwar, Sparsh Shrivastav, Harshit Gupta, Aasif Kham, Aatm Prakash Mishra, Rohit Kp, Kartavya Kabra, Anshuman Pushkar, Simran Mishrikoti, Monu Kanojiya.
There is a highly likely chance that the second season will feature certain new faces to keep the season afresh.