Amidst the rapid increase of coronavirus in India, the country is under the full lockdown since the 25th of March which has now been extended till the 17th of May. Thus, the Chief Minister of Goa, Pramod Sawant, made a statement to media that the examination dates for the board exams of class 10th and class 12th will be declared after the 17th of 2020 i.e. after the end of lock-down.
The Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education formerly postponed the board exams of class 10th and class 12th in the month of March 2020. This was done in order to stop the spread of coronavirus in the state.
As per the reports, after the mandatory rule of implementing social distancing, the state government had made a formula in order to conduct the board exams of class 10th and class 12th. However, the exams could not be held as the guidelines by the Ministry of Home Affairs said that the examinations can not be conducted in the nation.
Around 20th of March 2020, the Education Minister of the state, Vandana Rao, had released a declaration that the assessments are postponed until further notice.
He also added that because of the rapid increase of coronavirus in the nation, all the assessments for the pupils from class 9th to class 12th that were scheduled to be held from 21st March 2020, are postponed until further notice such as the class 10th and class 12th assessments.
The state government declared that the revised schedule for the pending Goa board of class 10th and class 12th will be announced after the 17th of May. As per the reports, the Chief Minister stated that the new date sheet will be announced after the lockdown is lifted.