Firefly Lane Season 2: Release Date and Here’s what you need to know 

It has been an age-old practice in filmmaking to make a film on bestsellers. Netflix has always been a go-to watch for all international TV series. To keep the very essence alive, Netflix is soon to release Firefly Lane Season 2.

Set in 1970, Firefly Lane is an American Drama series based on the best-selling novel of the same name by Kristin Hannah.

Firefly Lane Plot

Firefly Lane is a story revolving around the lives of two teenage girls 1970s. Kate is an introverted girl and moves to Firefly Lane, here she meets Tully, who is the opposite of Kate. Tully is full of endeavor and the coolest girl in her school. Kate and Tully end up becoming best friends and make promises to each other. Even though their life changes to a great extent the want to hold on to the promise they have made to each other. The story starts from their teens and continues until adulthood, dealing with issues like friendship, love, ambitions, and other human traits.

Firefly Lane Cast

Firefly Lane stars Katherine Heigl as Tully Hart, Sarah Chalke as Kate Mularkey. Though the lead cast has very few characters, the recurring character’s list is huge.

The story is based on Kristin Hannah’s novel; hence the writer’s credit is given to her. Maggie Friedman has brought the novel to life-like scenes. Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman have scored the dazzling music for the series.

Firefly Lane Season 2 Release

Firefly Lane was released on 3rd February 2021. Though there is no official announcement for the next season of the series, fans expect a second one. The novel Firefly Lane had a sequel titled Fly Away which suggests makers may keep it into consideration and have a second season in mind.

It’s tough to say about the show’s exact release date, but going by the rituals, Netflix releases New seasons every year, so season two of Firefly Lane may be expected between August or September of 2022.

Akshay Varma

Akshay Varma is a senior Journalist with Mass Media Communications Degree from Aurora Degree College. He writes mostly on Movies and Trending Topics