In the year 2018, Derry Girls, a British-Irish sitcom became an instant and surprise hit. On the other hand, Derry Girls is also one of the well-received and critically acclaimed TV-Series in the world. The premise of Derry Girls revolves around the Northern side of Ireland, and the story incorporates teenagers during the controversial troubles taking place in Derry.
The Irish teen sitcom is set in the ’90s, and at the same time, it is incredibly hilarious to watch. The series revolves around four girls, namely Erin, Orla, Michelle, Clare, garner their education in a significant all-catholic school. These are Derry’s native citizens. Additionally, James is one of the friends of the girls and Michelle’s cousin.
Derry Girls is a big hit on Netflix
Netflix, the streaming giant, is not going to let the audience of Derry Girls wait much for the second season. According to the official announcement from Netflix, the second season of Derry Girls will reach the streaming platform on Aug 2 2019.
The premise of the series is exceptionally controversial; nevertheless, the viewers love the series. Derry Girls is set during the beginning of the 1990s, a time showcasing religious and political conflict. Given that the show features military scenario, the girls and James are the main attraction of the series. In the first season of the series, the only concern of the girls was to raise ample money to avail the class trip to France.
The second season is also very entertaining
The people living in Ireland have already have seen the second season of Derry Girls back in March 2019. However, the viewers in the US and other countries can watch Derry Girls from Aug 2, according to the official announcement.
In the meantime, Channel 4 also did confirm the renewal of the third season of Derry Girls. Nevertheless, Channel 4 is yet to reveal the release date of the Derry Girls Season Three.