Delhi Crime is a popular Indian Web Serie which is directed, created, as well as written by non-other than Richie Mehta. The first season of Delhi Crime released on the 22nd of March 2019 and it was an instant hit. The show is completely based on the gang-rape case which took place in Delhi and it shook the entire country.
Richie Mehta is a Canadian-Indian director, who is popular to be to portray Delhi Crime into live-action. Also, he had a communique with Neeraj Kumar, the former Delhi Police commissioner. In addition to this, Kumar did provide information about the case and everything else.
Delhi Crime Season 2: Cast
The major actors of the show, Rashika Dugal, Shefali Shah, Rajesh Tailang, Adil Hussain are going to helm the role of the lead actors. The show also features several habitual actors such as Denzil Smith, Gopal Dutt, Sanjay Bishnoi, several others.
Delhi Crime Season 2: Plot
The series is based on the heinous crime which took place back in 2012 where six men mercilessly raped a young girl. The men tortured her and hurt her and finally, the young girl succumbed to the accident, this also brought on several protests across the country.
The series has all kinds of elements, politics, emotional as well as the unified outrage by the masses. Netflix has done a great in releasing the show. Moreover, the second season will end the entire story arc and reveal whether the police gave proper justice to the deceased victim.
Delhi Crime Season 2 Release date:
In terms of release date, the series was supposed to release by May 2020, however, the pandemic COVID-19 has pushed the release date of the show.