Chiyaan Vikram is finally back on the big screens with his much-awaited thriller, Cobra. Coming under the direction of Ajay Gnanamuthu, Cobra debuted in the theaters on August 31. So, today we are here to reveal Cobra’s total box office collection till Day 5.
Cobra Box Office Collection Till Day 5
While the fans had high expectations from Cobra, the movie failed to pick up the pace. Instead, it’s doing steady business at the box office. However, as per the reports, Cobra has been unable to attract the masses.
According to trade reports, the movie will surpass the 25 crore mark later this week, which is much lower than expected. While Cobra initially came up with a runtime of 3 hours and 3 minutes, 20 minutes were trimmed later due to the negative word of mouth.
Cobra Day-Wise Box Office Collection
Despite the weekend, Cobra has failed to gain significant momentum in terms of revenue. Here is the day-wise collection of the movie –
- Day 1: 9.28 cr
- Day 2: 2.56 cr
- Day 3: 1.83 cr
- Day 4: 3.95 cr
- Day 5: 17. 62 cr
So, fans, have you watched Chiyaan Vikram’s Cobra? If yes, what are your reviews of the movie? Share your thoughts in the comment box!!