‘Bulletproof’ is a British TV series which is created by Ashley Walters and Noel Clarks and it is produced by Vertigo Films and Company. The series was initially released on May 15, 2018. The second season of the series was released on March 22, 2020. The third season will probably release in autumn of 2020. The story of the series is about two NCA detectives who chase down some of the most wanted criminals.
‘Bulletproof’ Plot
The story of the series ‘Bulletproof’ revolves around Ashley Walters playing Ronnie Pike and Noel Clarke playing Aaron Bishop and are detectives in NCA in London. Ronnie and Aaron have been very good friends since childhood. Bishop was raised in fostered homes while Ronnie belongs to a family who has a high achieving background and has served the police and his father is the current director-general of NCA. Both of them have their struggles as they have worked as detectives in NCA which has bonded them close to each other.
‘Bulletproof’ Season 3 Cast
The announcement about the cast of season 3 of ‘Bulletproof’ has not been made yet. But, Noel Clarke and Ashley Walters are returning as their powerpack detective duo. Some other members from previous seasons will also return.
- Aaron Bishop by Noel Clarke
- Ronald Pike by Ashley Walters
- Arjana Pike by Lashana Lynch
- Sarah Tanner by Lindsey Coulson
- Tim Jones by David Elliot
- Chris Munroe by Jason Maza
‘Bulletproof’ Season 3 Trailer
Season 2 of ‘Bulletproof’ was released recently on 22 March 2020 that is why the trailer for season 3 is not released yet.
‘Bulletproof’ Season 3 Release Date
The official release date of season 3 of ‘Bulletproof’ has not been announced yet but it is expected that it will be released in the Fall of 2021.