Bridgerton is a famous American television drama series produced by Shonda Rhimes and created by Chris Van Dusena, and it is a Netflix original series. It ranks among the most-watched television series that popular streaming service Netflix has ever produced. Bridgerton has been successfully able to type in the number one position in more than 70 countries.
The set of novels by Julia Quinn and its background is set in London’s ton of Regency era’s competitive world. This television drama series on Netflix provides the viewers with a glance into the betrayal, lust, and wealth that runs most prominently in London’s court of Regency era. This series is narrated from the perspective of the Bridgerton family. It first premiered on 25th December 2020, and the first season comprised eight episodes. And after the first season, the viewers are eager to know when the second season of Bridgerton will release.
Will there be a second season of Bridgerton?
The fans of Bridgerton are very much eager to know about the release date of the second season of this series. And it is forecasted that the fans’ excitement level about the second season is at an all-time high. Shonda Rhimes, the producer of this Netflix original series in January 2021, announced that Bridgerton had been renewed for a second season through her Twitter handle. And this announcement made in the 1st month of New year made the fans more contended.
Bridgerton Season 2: Filming
Soon after the announcement of renewal for the second season of Bridgerton by the producer, it has also been disclosed that the filming for the second season will begin in Spring 2021, and the filming location will be in the United Kingdom.
There were numerous rumors that the filming for the Bridgerton season 2 has already begun. But the actress Nicola Coughlan tweeted from her Twitter handle that the filming part has not yet begun. The photos posted all over social media claiming that season 2 filming has started are not true; they are from the 1st season.
Bridgerton Season 2: Release Date
Even though the renewal and filming month for Bridgerton season 2 has been announced. But the official release date for season 2 has not been made public yet. Moreover, it has listed on IMDb that season 2 would get a release in the year 2021. Thus, the fans of Bridgerton season 2 have to wait till the later part of this year.