There was an unexpected turn of events in the house of Bigg Boss 3 Tamil. Bigg Boss 3 Tamil began with a massive shock for the housemates and the viewers. The first day of the seventh week started with a shocking nomination process which came into being after an argument between Abhirami Venkatachalam and Mugen.
In addition to this, Saravanan and Sakshi Agarwal were also nominated in the first day of the seventh week. Meanwhile, the housemates were carrying on with a task and Saravanan; the actor was given a job as well. Bigg Boss called out to the actor regarding the confession of his past.
Saravanan’s confession led him to get evicted
Saravanan’s confession was alarming to the housemates, audience, and Bigg Boss as well. Saravanan said that when he was in his college days, he molested a few women via public transport. The confession gave rise to a massive stir in the country. Moreover, the confession’s information concerning the molestation of women in public transport agitated the country.
Furthermore, several associations of women and media did take a stand against the wrongdoing by Saravanan. Back then, Bigg Boss called Saravanan forward into the confession room and asked Saravan to apologize for this past behavior. However, today was a bad day for Saravanan as he was evicted without any notice.
Saravanan’s past behavior is unacceptable
During the episode, Bigg Boss said to Saravanan that given that he molested women in the past, he is still guilty of the heinous act. Later, Bigg Boss also said to Saravanan that he doesn’t have the right to stay in the house.
Bigg Boss asked Saravanan to leave the house through a door from the confession room. Moreover, the rest of the contestants are unaware of the whereabouts of Saravanan. Some of the contestants assumed that Saravanan was sent to a Secret Room. However, in reality, Bigg Boss gave RED CARD to Saravanan, which makes him ineligible to continue in the show.
Pls eleminate Sakshi