Bigg Boss Malayalam season 2 has reportedly reached the 11th week. On the 16th of March 2020, Monday, the show goes through a crucial phase i.e., nominations. The events of the previous week have shooked the audience, as well as fans as a couple of contestants, have been evicted from Bigg Boss Malayalam.
Rajithkumar, the fan-favorite contestant was evicted from the house because of his intolerable bad behavior which did hurt a contestant at the time of a task. On the other hand, Reshma has been evicted from the house of Bigg Boss Malayalam as she received the least amount of votes as compared to other contestants.
Twist in the 11th week
Bigg Boss finally took control of the fate of the contestants and nominated the remaining contestants of the house. Now that Rajithkumar is out of the show, it would be interesting to see who is going to be saved, who will receive a maximum number of votes and who will be evicted from the house this week.
Name of the contestants who are nominated this week:
- Sujo Matthew
- Alasandra
- Pashanam Shaji
- Alina
- Amrutha-Abirami
- RJ Raghu
- Arya
- Daya Aswathy
The competition among the contestants is that who is replaced as the most fan-favorite contestant after the elimination of Rajithkumar.
How to cast vote in Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 2?
- First, install the official Hotstar App on iOS and Android devices.
- Log in by using the email, phone number and then create an account on Hotstar.
- Make a search for Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 2
- Select the contestants that you want to want to save and you only have 50 votes to circulate among your favorite contestants.
aline most femoused girl
Bring back Doctor…He is the best
Eliminate the two sisters as they are a big turn off&it is not fair as they joined the show midway& they are not good game players.Sujo ,Alessandra&Raghu
Should be kicked out too as they are fake.
I truly agree to u . .
You could have simply mentioned that Arya be declared the winner …..