Big Mouth – An American adult animated series created and directed by Andrew Goldberg, Nick Kroll, Mark Levin, and Jennifer Flackett. The story of the series revolves around the lives of teens based on Kroll and Goldberg’s upbringing in suburban New York, with Kroll voicing his fictional younger self.
The entire series explores puberty while also embracing a frankness about the human body and sex.
The Plot of the Series
The series shows a group of children in their seventh grade, including best friends Nick Birch and Andrew Glouberman. It shows how they feel as they get into puberty and go through that time of their lives. While also understanding struggles like masturbation and sexual arousal all in the Westchester County suburbs of New York City.
In the entire series, you see the children interacting with people and objects that are often personified and give helpful, yet confusing, advice in their lives full of puberty- which includes the ghost of Duke Ellington, a pillow capable of getting pregnant, a French-accented Statue of Liberty, a bar of Adderall, and even Jessi’s vulva.
Season 6 Updates and Release Date
On July 26, 2019, the news came to light that Netflix will soon be coming with its fourth, fifth, and sixth season. Season 4 came in last month of 2020, and the fifth is currently in the redevelopment process, while the updates for the sixth are yet to come.
Thus, there is no official release date out for the sixth season yet. However, the fifth season shall be coming by the end of 2021, and as per that, we can anticipate the sixth season in 2022, and in the cast of the same: you will see the big roles as Missy by played by Jenny Slate, and Ayo Edebiri.
For the rest, keep your eye on its information and the release date before your excitement gets ruined!