The crime-thriller web series which revolves around the two celebrated forensic experts and a notable serial killer, Asur has become quite popular since the first season. In the series, the serial killer takes innocent lives for the religious beliefs and the series also focuses on the Indian myths and superstitial belief practices to life.
The story also revolves around several aspects of both myth and science alongside creativity which is torn between the eternal fight between justice and injustice. If the series goes through a renewal then there will be a second season that will release in 2021
Asur Season 2: Cast
At the time of writing, no updates have been made regarding the cast. However, there is a highly likely chance that the lead actors Jeet, Nusrat Jahan, Abir Chatterjee, Biplab Chatterjee, Rajnandini Paul, Kushal Chakraborty, Biswarupa Biswas, Raj, Trambak Roy Chowdhury, among other will return for the second season.
Asur Season 2: Plot
In the series, CBI is faces the worst time when it comes to solving an important case. The performance of the actors have made the viewers crazy about watching the show.
On the other hand, the serial killer is quite an interesting character and his early teaching in life regarding religion and everything has corrupted his mind. It seems the second season of Asur is going to follow the same suit as the first season, but stories will be a little different.
As far as the trailer of the second season is concerned, it is yet to be released. On the other hand, the official release date of the series is yet to be confirmed by the makers.