Recently a video of Abhigya Anand has gone viral in which he has mentioned Coronavirus. Abhigya He is 14 years old and is considered to a child prodigy and he has predicted abut coronavirus far back.
Anand Coronavirus Predictions
He predicted coronavirus around August 2019. He said that a pandemic disease is going to spread and the situation will get worse from March 29 to April 2 in the world. Indian states like Andhra Pradesh and Orrisa will be facing the most impact on March 31 and April 1. He also predicted that the situation will start getting better from May 29.
On a YouTube post, he also predicted ‘World Wide War’ and ‘Global Economic Recession’ in August 2019 which was posted on August 22, 2019.
Abhigya Anand Personal Details
- Name:- Abhigya Anand
- Birth Date:- 2006
- Age:- 14 years old
- Birth Place:- India
- Profession:- Astrologer
- Gender:- Male
- Nationality:- Indian
- Religion:- Hinduism
Abhigya Anand Education
Abhigya is highly qualified in Astrology studies. He went to a government school for local education in Srirangapatna. Abhigya has already done his Post Graduation Diploma in Ayurvedic Microbiology. He has also been awarded the Karnataka State award in the year 2015. The name of his YouTube channel is ‘Conscience’.
Is it true that on Dec 2020 new virus will launch. Frankly speaking is this the sign of the end of the world.
All this claims of prediction of coronavirus by Anand are false. Please verify all facts before publishing such articles
My birthday is 7th July 1963. Since November 2016 I am on oxygen support when will I get cured. Please help and obliged
Predictive astrology has been in use since time immemorial …Indian astrology is one of the most accurate school of thoughts ..